Monday 31 January 2011

Advice on learning Spring

I was recently asked for advice on how to go about learning Spring, specifically materials that are in addition to the main Spring documentation. This got me thinking as to why some people pick up Spring in a matter of hours while others have to work at it. As with most material there are two parts to Spring, firstly the nuts and bolts of the framework itself and secondly the patterns and practices behind it. This split is so common in computing (and beyond) that it formed the basis of which University that I went to, I found a long time ago that focusing on the patterns, practices and theory gave me skills that transferred easily between different technologies. Spring is no different.

Given this line of thought I broke my reply into two parts, for the nut and bolts of Spring read the first chapter on the Spring documentation 'Core Technologies - The IoC container'. I have not found anything better than this. However do not expect to fully 'get' it on the first pass, or depending on your experiences even the third or forth. Despite Spring's reputed simplicity, it is obscured behind both its own size and as hinted previously 'patterns, practices and theory'. No real prizes for guessing that the main practice behind Spring is Dependency Injection (DI), and Inversion of Control (IOC); they are both referred to frequently within the Spring documentation and dependency injection particularly is a technique that dates back long before Spring and its ilk.

So how does one really learn Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control? The academically inclined may go back to studying Object Orientated (OO) techniques, such as abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism and things like object cohesion and coupling. The more practically minded person will benefit from doing, and for this I strongly recommend Test Driven Design (TDD), and mocking. Every test that you write following TDD principles is practicing the core design skills needed for efficient and effective use of Spring. When you have mastered the ability to break a design cleanly along its lines of abstraction, then the tests will become focused, simple and robust. At this point the objects being tested will slide into Spring or any other IOC container very easily.

These skills are easy to describe, but difficult to master. Don't be scared to try once, then throw it away and to redo. Most people are scared of the time that this represents, especially if they are working on a project with tight deadlines. However I prefer to view it as an investment, and I make sure that I build time into any estimates that I provide. One can never expect to become quick at this if they always stick to their first design. A form of deadlock happens when we stick to our first designs, we never experiment to find better solutions and eventually we enter a vicious cycle of fire fighting spaghetti code. Once that happens a project will become paralysed. So do yourself a favour, come up with three designs to every problem; and then go with the forth. Lastly I recommend that when you have had a few goes at this, find somebody who is more practiced than yourself and you respect, ask them for feedback. Rome was not built by one man alone.

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