Saturday 21 May 2011

Which project metrics do you use?

My favourite software project metrics:

The main two that I use at a high level are end to end cycle time, and benefit hit rate.

Business Benefit Metrics

End to End Cycle Time
the length of time from the conceptualisation of an idea, or feature to the reliable use of that feature by the end customers.
ROI cycle time
The length of time from conceptualisation of a feature to when the feature pays for itself, expressed as a rolling average
Benefit Hit Rate
As a percentage, how many of the features that start being developed go on to return more to the business than they cost.
Number of man days not spent producing the product, ie waiting for a build, waiting for a release, merging branches, waiting for broken builds, waiting for test runs to complete, waiting for hardware, attending meetings etc

Developer Productivity Metrics

Commit cycle time
Length of time that it takes a developer from completing a feature to receiving confirmation that it has been accepted.
Defect rate
Number of defects per feature that was accepted as complete, expressed as a rolling average or over a period of time.
Build time
Length of time that it takes to run the build
Commit test execution time
How long it takes to run the commit tests
Acceptance test execution time
How long it takes to run the acceptance tests
Automated test quality
When a test fails, is the fix to the system code or to the test? Represented as a percentage: num fixes to system code/num failed tests

User Experience Metrics

Use case duration
How long does it take an average user to perform a single goal
Use case step count
The number of user actions required to attain their goal
User frustration
Number of user mistakes + number of system errors*10
UI Responsiveness
Length of time from a user click and a system reponse

Live System Metrics

The length of that the system has been up without a user visible outage
Call out count
Number of times that a 'fatal' error has occurred requiring immediate support staff to take action, even if in the middle of the night
Error count
The number of errors reported in the log files
Warning count
The number of warning messages reported in the log files
Support overhead
Number of man hours required to keep the lights on
Release duration
How long does it take to perform a release, in man hours

Code Metrics

Unit test coverage
Percentage of lines of code tested by the unit tests
Acceptance test coverage
Percentage of lines of code tested by the acceptance tests
Average class Cyclometric Complexity
Indicator of code complexity, the higher the value the more complex the code base is to understand
Worst method Cyclometric Complexity
Indicator of code complexity, the higher the value the more complex the code base is to understand

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